Monday, September 26, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit mystifying to ponder how did my name get accidentally placed on the Hispanic voter list. Does my surname somehow sound Hispanic to you? Also, I was not one of those confused persons who were complaining about the snowflake movie, that was shown annually during the long New Year's Eve vigil service at church. I did not mind that the snowflakes were white rather than some other color, such as yellow or red or something, because anyway that was not the point. The point was that the crystals in the snowflakes, seen under a microscope, are each unique, thus to illustrate how each of us as individuals are unique in a fingerprint sort of way. If God already has numbered the hairs on our head, will all of this complaining and fretting add an inch to our stature? That was the point that they were trying to make in the snowflake movie, but some people were confused about that.