Sunday, April 21, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really must confess that I might have read more than my fair share of those books by David Wilkerson, detailing the escapades of the Porto Rican juvenile delinquents of New York City. But enough of those lurid details. These books were very abundant to us because they were free samples that were sent to us, I read them often in Spanish language, dimly. 

But anyway, I might have said some unfortunate thing about how I do not have any testimony comparable to what those drug addict juvenile delinquents have to say about the miraculous saving power of Christ, of which I never heard the end of. I said that myself. But I digress. Anyway, that said, I am not going to go out and do some terrible thing just to have a dramatic testimony that can be written up in a Teen Challenge book. That would be ridiculous.