Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was asking me whether I knew whatever happened to Kristen, who I met in Virginia, and I have to say that I have no idea. She was going to go somewhere, and I never heard anything after that. I used to have a phone number for her but, anyway, if she no longer lives in Georgia anyway, it would be a waste of time to try to contact them that way. You could always try broadcasting your question on national television, rather than wait for ye old chain letter to dribble slowly around the globe. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I too read more than one of the Pollyanna books, and I liked them very much. I am not sure that I could ever be that perfect as to never ever say anything negative about anything, to always be positive about everything, but anyway, I liked the principles of Pollyanna even though I have fallen short of the Pollyanna pledge.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that you were telling me that our high school classmate was actually some sort of cousin to Bill Gates, in some degree, which I suppose you would be more likely to know than myself, given that you were his chessmate in the library, as photographed in the yearbook. I had no idea these people were so well connected. I only remember that his book report in English class was very interesting. He reviewed a book by that Jewish author who also wrote in Yiddish, and I actually later read a few of those stories, not the whole book, to get an idea of what that was about, so that was interesting. So enough about that. Wasn't he also in economics class, sitting at the back of the room with Raymond and some other guys? I wouldn't be able to say whether he was at Stephanie's party or not.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was sort of funny, when Mr. Kauffman was running for city mayor, and he came to the office to be interviewed, and he asked me in an aside wasn't this a conflict of interest, doesn't he represent some Calkins personage as their attorney, and I was shocked, and had to explain that no, whoever that Calkins may be, they are not related to me that I know of. Usually most U.S. phonebooks have a few Calkins, we are certainly not the only Calkins on the planet. Needless to say.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during my time at Regent, that what's-her-name (Kathy?) from Tallahassee was talking to me in the library, something about misogynism, but she was not very specific so I really cannot be expected to say exactly what she meant by that. How does she remember me? From where? 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I thought that was sort of weird, the way they were so afraid of my possible using something against them. As if. And how I would do that? And I had not even been thinking about that at all, much less doing something about that. But now there is an idea, from your lips directly to God's ears, broadcast on worldwide TV or video. And if somebody does use something against you, why blame me for everything under the sun, when I might be bending over backward to NOT use that. I might want to wash my hands of that, actually. I might want to leave those little brats washing their mouths out with soap, which is the usual disciplinary procedure in such cases. Who else would think of such a thing?  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot remember myself using the word "weird" to describe her, but whatever, they can say whatever they want and I never have any opportunity to correct all of these mistakes.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you probably forgot that was Dana's song, which she sang at a college program, and which she had brought with her from high school, and volunteered to sing it herself, so that was fine with our conductor Johnny Carl. After all, he had asked for people to suggest musical numbers for the program and Dana was always so aggressive about these things.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that my Dad at that time was serving as the director of the MK school, because the property was on AG grounds so only an AG missionary could do that job, when the Sanchez family demanded the destruction of certain odd books that were kept locked in a closet. I only had occasion once or twice to glimpse the contents of the closet, when Dawn was allowed in there and showed me a few things about that. There were certain books in probably Swedish that we could not read, only peruse the peculiar drawings, indicating their "sociological" purpose, probably. Also there were some books that had been eaten by bookworms during a previous setting, probably Brazil, so that there were holes bored directly through the middle of the books, making it sometimes difficult to read the pages with holes in the middle of the text. There was a book burning and some of those books were burned for various reasons. The Sanchez family and their people demanded the book burning, so my parents had to do it. Personally I would not put too much stock in the Sanchez opinions of anything, but sometimes when they are in certain positions they make it hard for us to forget about their existence, and the fact that in their own homes they harbor strange books about Russian spies and who knows what else, so who are they to lecture white people about books? 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing that when an expert librarian was visiting in El Salvador, that she was called on to inspect the contents of the library and the little MK school, and it was said that she had found an excellently preserved copy of an antique book, "The Secret Garden," a book that I actually never read myself, but if Rhina is such an export in trashy literature, maybe you would cask them to explain what was in those books. I really don't remember all that much about it.  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I saw the movie, and then later I heard that they were killed in a violent car crash, so I guess that we will not be hearing again from those trailer trash Wilkersons any time soon.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Joan sat directly in front of me in Miss Marken's 10th grade English class, and she more than once was known to speak loudly of her ambition to become an FBI agent in her adult life. Whether that ever happened, I never really heard. But I suppose that I  may be one of the few persons who might recognize these references to FBI agents as some sort of twisted insider joke, given that they tend to recycle the same worn-out tidbits of information over and over again, and also there are those who think that I am a stupid copycat who will just do whatever they say. Actually not, but anyway, I am also resisting the impulse to fill in the blanks, because anyway, I never did announced any such intention on my part during high school.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that once during 10th grade, I was seen in a study hall talking to Steve Brown, who was telling me that he was from Arizona and also that his family is leaving the country and returning there that summer so he will not be there next year. Someone was curiously prying into that later, but anyway really there is not much to tell beyond that. So that was nice of him to speak to me. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you should know without saying that your people are NOT entitled to access my personal information, such as passwords, accounts, computer logins, bank account numbers, credit card codes, etc. Sorry, but I am not available for such backstabbing purposes. 

Which Reminds Me

Oh, I didn't know that.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Oh, I didn't know that.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so nice of Steve Brown from Arizona to nominate me for a possible position as a class officer. That happened at the end of 10th grade, when people were being nominated for the next year. However, before the voting happened I had them erase my name from the blackboard. Steven Brown was leaving at the end of 10th grade never to be heard of again, so he probably would not understand what sort of enormous headache that might have created for me, had I not immediately had my name removed from the list of nominees. I really do not need the headache.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during our high school, everyone was divided into four teams that were named by color: Blue, Red, etc. Once a year there was a day of relay races and other activities of the four teams competing against each other, and I was on the Blue team, which basically was a loser team. Tom was captain of the Red team, which was the team that usually won the relay races and that sort of thing. The captain of the Blue team was Carmen's boyfriend, Ulises, who died young so there is no going back to high school now. So whatever.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, rather than junk up my life with a pile-up of unfortunate words that I can only regret later, it would be best for me to evacuate the planet in a clean and uncluttered way, to make a clean break of it, rather than to involve myself in whatever useless strategies that can be of no benefit to a losing team. I have to go. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so clever of you to put those words in my mouth, as if I were a useless puppet of no significance to you. As if white lives don't matter.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the question cannot be asked in polite society, as to was there ever a nice way to have these naked savages surgically removed from my back side? It is not politically correct to speak that way nowadays, so we are not going to say anything about that. There does come a point of no return. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is interesting to note the odd reactions of total strangers to some crazy thing that my scatterbrained aunt said about my mission in life. That was sort of nice in a way to have some type of blessing. I actually do not quite remember it that way.What did she say? Who was she talking to? And was I even there at the time? I am not quite sure why that would attract any attention, given that, anyway,only time can tell how this whole thing ends eventually.   

Friday, July 19, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, truly, I am not very desirous of venting any of my opinions at this time. I reserve the right to NOt express opinions when that is not in my best interests. Of course, that always seemed to work so well in the soap opera that I used to watch in the afternoons, after getting home for school. The monologue of the heroine, the monologue of the bad girl, all of these words are free to all hearers, just turn on your TV and let it vomit all over the place. Of course, Carmen was saying that she never watches television, but that was not my rule.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, God is watching you wherever you go, even if you think that no one is watching and no one sees you sneaking in the back door at 5 a.m. Yes, and that was such a weird twist on what I had originally said about that, from what was sent back to me, that I am amazed you did not mention that you were an atheist.    

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during college I went out with some girls, late in the evening, to a restaurant, Coco's, and we went "Dutch," which is to say that we each paid for our own thing separately. Separate bills please, waitress. For my part, I ordered a plate of onion rings, very large fried onion rings, delicious.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all of these secrets of "it" seem to be wrapped up in Dauna's head. You could always ask them why she run off the deep end that way, because I was hoping that I was wrong and that she would tell me that I was wrong about that, but then suddenly things got turned around, as it was as if nothing I say can be wrong and now they have to make whatever I say true, even if I really did not know. So, yes, it becomes a ridiculous futility to discuss further what I really do not know anyway.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, ha ha ha! What? And there was nothing AG about that hissy snake from the yearbook staff. Needless to say. I do not want to have to talk about them. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you really will not get many points with the AG when you are gone away with the Oneness pople, who live in thosee small desert oases, and seem to be offering something that sounds like a cool and refreshing water, I had not realized that they were so stuck in there on the back side of things, how nice for them, but the AG has other meat and potatoes on its plate. How could you now know that? So that gives off a mixed signal that becomes very confusing to observers.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that someone was talking about some type of raid or prank that was done on the yearbook staff, of which I know absolutely nothing. I am not even sure where the yearbook stuff was. You could always ask Tinker. She probably knows a lot more about that than I ever would.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it might be true that Cruz might have wanted to get herself elected president, but anyway, the votes did not go her way. And I do not think that I resemble Cruz in any way. Amazing how this Faulkner stays employed with such completely wrong facts.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing someone say online that they were going to sell me down river to Louisiana, which was a completely ridiculous thing to say. Of course I am not going, yet another reason to avoid that state entirely and never go there. Yuk! 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing, although only by osmosis, that the Wilsons think they have a special deal, due to their relationship with President Woodrow Wilson, although I really do not know if that is true or not. Besides which, who cares about sticking it to the Wilsons? I really do not want to think about those people at all. I have other things on my mind than competing with the Wilsons. Yuk! 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why is that little peasant dog so obsessed with the notion of being elected president? I really could not care less about that. It is a long way down to the level of that wicked witchcraft nonsense.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed your odd obsession with the nun. Some people were talking about the nun who taught a class at our high school, but I cannot remember much about that. I do not remember myself expressing any opinion on this topic, beyond the fact that I am a Protestant and we do not have nuns in our system. So why do I have to be the poster child for how single women fare in the Protestant world? I do not remember myself making an issue of that. 

Who is this cranky guy who wants to force me to get me to a nunnery?  

Monday, July 15, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I noticed that, and I am barely acquainted with that thing, whatever it is, I can probably count on one hand the times we ever exchanged words, not to be unloving, but perhaps they have the advantage of being a clueless Polack who cannot screw in a light bulb in the usual way. No, they have to be so clever about that, jumping hoops in a variety of ways, that it boggles the imagination, as if I should be bothered with their nonsense.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not quite understand why I would need to prove crazy thing to those two evil hissy snakes. Just because I sat in between them during Miss Marken's 10th grade English class, that does not mean that I am not relieved to be rid of them now that I have returned to the United States, where hopefully sanity would prevail. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is nice that there exists such a program as Teen Challenge, created to reeducate those drug addicts and street thugs. Maybe someday I would add them to my list of charitable donations, assuming that this economics war would ever end in a favorable way to me. I personally have no need of Teen Challenge, but for those who need it, it is good that they are there to fill that need. 

I cannot speak to the situation of my high school classmate, Patty Cruz, whom Nicky Cruz had claimed as his cousin. I only know what I heard online, which is basically nothing. 

Just because I am a white person, that does not make me a drug addict, but this is not the time for silly arguments. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is puzzling to ponder on the matter of why are people being so nice to me when I absolutely deserve nothing at all. Why would God be so gracious and merciful to me, a pathetically worthless of no importance? Yes, there is another question that I can't really answer.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Linda, near the end of her time at college, at some strange altercation or bizarre exchange of words with Debbie, which she never really explained so I cannot really comment. Myself not being joined at the hip to either one of them. I leave them to explain what their problem was, because I never really understood what was happening there.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is unfortunate that you have racialized what was originally a religious and/or political issue, so that now there really is nothing worth discussing anymore, there is left only to evacuate the planet or live in an eternally bleak and dismally black dungeon of going nowhere.      

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was puzzling when someone accused me of laying an egg. I did not really know if I did that or not; it could be possible that I accidentally laid an egg somewhere and did not know what i was doing or saying. 

However, I also remember that it was actually Rose Wilson who amusingly entertained us with her rendition of "When I am Laid." That happened during a music class, and not that many people were present at the time, so perhaps you had not heard that firsthand. 

Yes, perhaps that could be interesting to see the contents of Rose Wilson's head served to us on a platter so that we could more easily see what that was all about. At first I had thought she was being funny in presenting herself as the eponymous egg, but then again maybe not, maybe I really do not know what that was about. Besides which, I cannot say whether there would be anything of interest to be found in Rose Wilson's egg act, beyond a silly mishmash of frivolous fluff. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, another thing to ponder is why was I getting so much mail from the Wilsons, in particular Rose Wilson. Perhaps Rose could explain her private affairs with Linda, because there were things happening behind the scenes that I could not quite understand. I never really cared much for the Wilsons, but they do make a lot of noise, and they are so powerful that no one dares to challenge whatever they said.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember back in the old days, when they for a time were printing the names and addresses of missionary kids in a publication that was distributed in various places, including prisons. I myself received a letter from a prisoner as did others, but it is not a good idea to write back to the prisoners. We hope they get saved eventually, maybe God will intervene in their lives, but anyway, it is not for us to say what should be cone about all of these prisoners. The legal system will take care of them, so we are told. It was a good idea for them to stop publishing our names that way, so that we are not subject to all of this undue publicity. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, it seemed that you were reminding me that when Brett and his family returned to the United States from Africa, they brought with them their African houseboy, who was often seen sitting next to them at church. After they moved to another state, he was still faithfully attending church, so that's nice. He might still be living in this area, although I really would not know for sure. I attend a different church now. I do not remember what his name was. I only remember seeing him at church.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely noticed the existence of Brett, who still lives somewhere in Africa, a place I have never been and where I am not interesting in going. Sue might be his assistant, but I am not working for them, needless to say. 

I am glad to be entirely independent of those smart alecky guys. I never expected them to care about what happened to me, so they should not be expecting my application any time soon.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, whatever happened to the good old days when they would regale us with those very funny Hillary jokes? Since when do we are about the internal politics of Arkansas? Crazy Hillary jokes was the only I had heard at the time. Strange that some people lost their minds. I wonder what happened.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was quite a mistake to imagine that I would ever in a million years think of voting for the Clintons, either one of them. Arkansas where? Even if he did win the election, she cannot be impeached, so that gets complicated. So why am I getting all this mail from Carville and his Clintonite adherents. We try to be nice, but what was all that nonsense about Monica. Was I supposed to ask which Monica? Yuk! And that was before I was aware of the name of the other Monica. So obviously I have no patience for those psychos. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, perhaps Little could shed some light on what we did to Dr. Tarpley's paper, because that made no sense to me. My mind just goes blank at the thought of that.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting that you are so worried about Mormons, as if. You could always do contract business with whoever, whatever their religion, but if you wanted to really get rid of them you could always kill my idiot cousin. That would really solve your problem, then the prison system would pay for the cost of your upkeep forever. But that does nothing for us. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I really cannot imagine there could possibly be anything that I would need to discuss with Vegas, which, coincidentally, is a Spanish word for meadow or valley, and can also mean tobacco plantation. Yes, I easily imagine they are full as a tick now what with all that fake Celine money, the songbird in a golden cage they were expecting. Not my cup of tea, but there it is.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that when dining out with Susie at a restaurant, when preparing to leave, you might think this an opportune moment to unload all those pennies that have accumulated in your wallet. However, if you do that, Susie will severely reprimand because she says that it is very insulting for the waitresses to find their tip in pennies on the table. She says that it is such a pain to have to pick up all those pennies and then count them all. Susie knows this because when she worked as a waitress, she had diners who left a mountain of pennies on the table, and she felt so completely insulted whenever that happened. Of course, she could always take the pennies to the bank, and they might roll them for her, but anyway, I can see how that would be a pain. So, right, no pennies for you.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I know that they never like to give me credit for having half a brain. So how I would fix that problem, short of blowing my own brains out? Besides which, they are really not that int4eresting, that I should want to know all of this stuff. I might know a few things that they do not know, but they don't care.

Yes, and I vaguely remember at Evangel College, hearing the Archers in concert singing asong about a cigarette. The lyrics said something about how you are not sucking the cigarette, that cigarette is sucking you. So I always prefer to avoid cigarettes. And in her introduction to the song, Janice apologized, and probably some people were wondering, Why? Does the Surgeon General apologize for truth in advertising? Why apologize for that?

During high school, I never did suck on the cigarette they would pass around in the girls' locker room after gym class. Someone was trying to say the opposite, but they were lying. They were in a different gym class.   

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Susie was a big fan and frequent visitor to the Waffle House over there near the freeway. I might have joined her there once or twice, but I doubt that I was there nearly as often as Susie and whoever else she was hanging around with at the time. 

Yes, Susie might have had a different way of explaining the party and what did Ronald say. I forget the exact words, it was just not very nice, whatever he said, it was more the spirit of it that was shocking. He was not really joking, seriously.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting how some people have no shame whatsoever about teasing people in the most crude and vulgar ways. We are NOT impressed with that clunky plot device, whether Goodyear or Firestone. That is why we are here to talk about legal ways to have you legally estopped from further teasing of that nature. But it is not for one person alone to due that.

When we first met at the California reunion, we were shocked then at the level of snark in your commentary, which seems to have grown unabated over the years, We are not going to make ourselves available for further abuse of that nature, so you might as well find some other victim for the venting of your fury.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, one would hope that you are not making all your decisions based on all the stuff that crazy Aunt Candi puts out there. If there is a false not out there, that would not be too surprising. In many words there is no lack of sin to be repented of, as the Bible says.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed that the haughty arrogant snobs of ORU and quite vocal about their own wonderfulness, even though I could not care less about that. The became unrecognizable after they went there.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, truly, I never had any delusion of myself running for elected office. I cannot imagine where that plot device came from. My grandfather was Presbyterian, to be sure, but by grandmother was Methodist, so it really did not matter that much what you Catholics would say about politics, whether the Elect way or the freewill way.

Besides which, you could not get elected dog catcher on Malta, probably.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is hard for me to imagine why I would need to pledge allegiance to this yappy Maltese dog, always blah blah blah. I never had any connection whatsoever to the Malta-Sicily complex and I would like to keep it that way.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is true that sometimes you have been very helpful in terms of reeducating some people and repeatedly pounding on certain points over and over again, as if I had forgotten about that, but anyway, it was not for Naboth to say when and how Jezebel would seize his property and any rights attached thereto without due compensation and execute him without due process, it was not for Naboth to say when and how the wicked Jezebel would eventually be eaten by dogs eventually. And the rest is a simple matter of history.  

Monday, July 1, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wouldn't that be nice, if I had the vast fortune and financial wherewithal required to take care of our less fortunate homeless stragglers, but for now I can barely squeak by for my own survival. Yes, a vast fortune, wouldn't that be nice?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how ludicrous of them to complain about us, when every time they come to our house, whether invited or not, I have the problem of those little boys liking to play in my room with their toy trucks and cars, and then later I have to straighten up the mess they left behind.