Saturday, July 6, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that when dining out with Susie at a restaurant, when preparing to leave, you might think this an opportune moment to unload all those pennies that have accumulated in your wallet. However, if you do that, Susie will severely reprimand because she says that it is very insulting for the waitresses to find their tip in pennies on the table. She says that it is such a pain to have to pick up all those pennies and then count them all. Susie knows this because when she worked as a waitress, she had diners who left a mountain of pennies on the table, and she felt so completely insulted whenever that happened. Of course, she could always take the pennies to the bank, and they might roll them for her, but anyway, I can see how that would be a pain. So, right, no pennies for you.