Sunday, May 13, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I know, you don't have to tell me that, we already know that Mrs. Grace Richardson was a very good teacher as schoolteachers go, giving us all a pretty good foundation by starting the schooldays with Bible class at 8 a.m. at MK school, plus memory verses on Friday usually, and also surprisingly athletic, able to stand on her head during P.E. class, unlike myself, she tried to teach us how to do that. But if you are looking for a Pentecostal specimen, you are not going to want to ask Mrs. Richardson anything. She is Grace Brethren, a split-off from the Sawords' Plymouth Brethren, similar but apparently they have some points of disagreement between themselves even if they all wear their hair in those little buns, although not the little white bonnets of the Mennonites who did not attend our school.

One day when the pastors of the AG Bible school next door to our school were praying very loudly, Mrs. Richardson made some derogatory remark about Pentecostals, thus eliminating all doubt of where she might stand on that point. Probably the Sawords are similar on that point, as they denigrate the Tom Squared phenomenon for their own Anderson family Anti-Pentecostal reasons, (we might have other things to say about Tom Squared but we are not in concurrence with anything that the Anti-Pentecostal Anderson/Sawords might be saying), and we can only asume that the Bells and Reeses, being the Southern Baptists in the group, would ditto what Grace said if they dared to. But the school was located on AG property so mostly we did not talk about that with them. The school later moved elsewhere in the city and had other teachers, although it still went by the same school name, but that was after we were long gone from there.