Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Why all of this chatter about Amalekites? The Amalekites were utterly destroyed in ancient Bible times, so there is nothing more to say about them. They disappeared from history and no trace of them remains that we know of. Gamesters looking for Amalekites to kill, be aware that we are not them. There is also the superstitious idea of butchers somehow being Amalekites. Coincidentally, one of my great-grandfathers was a butcher by trade. Even so, there is no Amalekite tradition here. Where is your DNA evidence of Amalekite heritage? You only wish you could find Amalekites somewhere on the planet to fulfill your gamester game plan, but we cannot help you with that. Dig around some more and maybe you will find your own Edomite or Moabite or Girgashire or Perizzite or Hivite issues. Who knows what might be revealed by DNA historical research.