Saturday, December 25, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we once spent a week vacationing in Colorado, a little tourist trap called Estes Park, and we attended some Christian concerts in the evening, and during the day we strolled about the town shopping at various cute little shops. We were vacationing together with the Stewarts, our former friends who we have not seen for these many years now. Sam's girlfriend Janey Walker was also there vacationing with us, although we did not see very much of her. Janey mostly hung out with Sam and did not say much to us. At this point in time it is not clear when we would ever be on speaking terms again, due to a subsequent blizzard of magazine junk. We don't really do life that way. However, we have been instructed to study to show ourselves approved, "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Study does help us to understand whatever that meant.

And then, only this week, browsing through Wikipedia, we notice that the illustrious aristocrat Prescott Bush was married to someone named Dorothy Walker. Interesting point there. And is Janey Walker somehow related to Dorothy Walker? The thought of asking such a question had never crossed my mind before now. And even so, why should I bother to ask such a question? I seriously doubt that I would ever have any occasion of speaking to such snooty arrogant political aristocrats and/or party animals, nor would I care to entangle myself in their useless political machinations. I have enough back pains already without contributing to the mess. Who knows what criss-crossing party lines are strewn about such a useless topic of conversation? No, clearly it is better to carry on without them. They never do anything helpful anyway.