Saturday, July 11, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is a bit awkward for me to be surrounded by these horribly savage, bloodthirsty French Catholics who basically don't care. They are going to kill me, a Protestant, even though I am no Huguenot and don't know the first thing about Saint Bartholomew, just that he was skinned alive, a martyr's death in the 1st century A.D.. The sum total of everything I know about Huguenots I read quite recently in the old magazines, Knickerbocker and Fraser's. There is nothing that I can add to the written record, just that someone upstairs seems to ahve his facts confused on these points. I do hope our cousins enjoy their French Catholic captivity because, basically, that is all they are going to get from me. I can't change history. The facts are what they are. I don't know anything about it.