Thursday, July 30, 2015
Which Reminds Me
I remember that Pam was a co-worker when she was engaged to Craig. She
often boasted of Craig and his amazing control. I was also a longtime
acquaintance of Susie who went over to Pam's apartment to visit her
roommates and was telling some stories of her being appalled at Craig's
amazing lack of control. So I have heard the story told both ways and
don't really know why I should care that much. I see no reason to meddle
on these points. If I say anything one way or the other I will just get
in trouble with either Craig or Susie. So whatever. I am better off
just not getting involved in their personal business which is really
none of my concern. People can get really nasty if we poke our noses
into their personal business. I already learned that lesson long ago and
see no reason to write that on the blackboard 10 million times.