Friday, July 31, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember when I was in college rooming with Cori and one day she remarked on the fact that I don't talk very much, not that I ever had much chance with her continual yak-yak to get in a word in edgewise. And I said something about how maybe when I don't know people very well I really don't talk so much until I get to know them. And so that was taken in some weird way to mean something else about how maybe I think that I am too good for these people. Well, honestly, I don't trust Cori at all and rightly so given her historical bag of tricks. Also, even when I do know people very well I also might not say very much, not that I am not thinking anything but just because I really don't trust you, especially not now. So don't sit there waiting for me to start talking because if I did know you well it might never happen.

Also I might have said something about feeling like I live in a fishbowl for various reasons which totally makes sense. Don't these people have other things to do other than stand there staring at me and spying on me and my life? Have you never seen a white person before in your entire life? As if I had some secret that I was refusing to divulge to them when actually I am the same rights as any other individual. Go get a job and pay your own way. Don't be expecting me too much from me.