Monday, October 2, 2017

Which Reminds Me

I don't really know very much about Chilean literature, although I have heard the names of Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral. In El Salvador we lived near Calle Gabriela Mistral, but there are about 20 countries in Latin America, each with their own unique literature portfolios, so Chile is not exhaustively studied by high school students there. You were suggesting that I make little spelling mud pies from various aspects of Chilean literature using the names of some high school classmates, starting with "la loca de la Guardia," Alvaro Jara, Maité Allamand, Gallicismos, Maria Luisa Bombal, What is said in Mexico, etc. etc. Except that such nonsense would never be coming from me. It just wouldn't be appropriate for that to be coming from me, a U.S. citizen who is not so intimately acquainted with these Spanish affairs. You probably already know who said that anyway so I really shouldn't have to explain that.