Sunday, March 18, 2018

Which Reminds Me

I had never heard of this "Roca-Celis" book until a couple of weeks ago, so it is hard for me to understand why I am supposed to feel sorry for this pack of con artists who somehow derive some claims of attachment to it. All of the events described in the book happened in the 19th century and thus none of the people involved could possibly be alive today to explain to us what really happened. There is nothing but documents and hearsay to explain that, and even so, that has nothing to do with my personal life. The courts of every nation are full of strange and weird cases and truth is often stranger than fiction. But these are distractions that take our focus away from what really matters in terms of life and service. We must pick our battles wisely and not allow ourselves to be distracted by every little thing that the con artists might want to throw at us.