Monday, April 30, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when we lived in El Salvador, some friends of ours lived, in a different neighborhood, across the street from a huge walled compound of a city block, which turned out to be the residence of the president of the country. I remember hearing some stories about that, something about how they could see helicopters coming and going but not the details. For that you would need to ask Susie. She seems to remember more about that than I do. But anyway, it was her life. She hosted the slumber party for girls. It was her swimming pool with icky greenish water in the backyard, not mine. The house was rented by them for a year or two but who knows who the actual owner might have been or who else lived there. Strange that you should be so bothered by that, and yet I cannot furnish any additional details to mollify your silly temper tantrum.

My great-grandmother in her diaries makes mention of attending their parents' wedding in the 1940s, but in our generation it seems that we are no longer acquainted with those people. We are no longer in the hear-and-tell business, in case you forgot.