Monday, April 9, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Yes, what can we say in commendation of a guy from college who spent his entire freshman year dating silly nitwit Theresa Glow-in-the-dark, who lived two or three doors down the dorm hall from me that year, which is the only thing that I can remember about him (or her for that matter), but then they broke up, or so we heard, and then they both seemed to disappear from the college scene and I don't remember seeing them any years thereafter, and only much later do we learn from online sources that he went off-campus and married some non-college peasant girl named "Faith," which name is either symbolic or oxymoronic, depending on your idea of the significance of college education for women. If you think that "faith" belongs only to women who denigrate a college education and think that marriage must be timed to coincide with the 16th birthday, never mind about graduating from high school, not to mention college, then why are you pretending to be a college president? When you insult your own college constituency that way, we also are reluctant to volunteer further commentary on why you should matter to us in the future.