Friday, March 1, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my mother says that I should make an effort and try to be friendly to Carol, remembering how pathetic life must be for her being raised by a stepmother, her real mother not being in the country, and also she is one of the few people I knew from way back at the little school when I was in 8th grade and she maybe in 7th. How nice of her stepmother to loan me some of her books to read, mostly some novels by Taylor Caldwell. It must be so hard for them to try to work themselves into a self-righteous snit about anything, now that their doctor husband-father has been denounced as a repugnant fleabag, although that part happened later,  and you did not get that from me. I don't know anything about it. Why is no one looking into that? Because it all happened there and not here? That is not a matter for public twitter talk, needless to say. How would you like it if all of your personal problems were broadcast on the nightly news? I don't think that they would appreciate me talking about that. Perhaps you do not quite yet understand what trouble you are in.