Thursday, March 14, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is hard for us to understand why you are still obsessing about the tedious days of high school. High school will not last forever. The airplane ticket out is already indicating the day of exit, the passport and social security paperwork in order, and it is only a matter of time before I will be gone from this place so requisite for the days of adolescence but yet later discarded as if the dry and empty cocoon shed by the butterfly now on the wing. Needless to say.

Gone from high school forever, never again to be bullied by the Canadian bloc. I will be out of their reach on U.S. soil. Why should I care about the 9th graders' elected columnist? I am way too old to be picking arguments with snarky little 9th graders. There was no reason. Needless to say.