Thursday, May 28, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that it so happened that I was not the first in line although somewhat near the front of the line for dinner because I got there earlier, and Cori and the Brooks twins were at least two-thirds of the way back in the line because they arrived later, and afterward Cori made some comment about how I should go to the back of the line, or shouldn't be so greedily trying to be at the front of the line, which I thought was a somewhat rude and unreasonable thing for her to say, but that is how they are, always so rude, and yet interestingly I never seem to hear the end of that. I often hear this continuous mantra about how I should go to the back of the line, blah blah blah blah blah blah, evolving and increasing to the point where if I should make any progress, surely the rug will be pulled out from under my feet.