Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do seem to remember that some people in the office were talking about Monica and her family and how embarrassing it must have been for them. However, I was not part of that conversation, I was focused on doing my job. Often these various groupings of people are standing around the office chattering about various topics and it becomes very distracting. Perhaps you would have better luck quizzing someone else on this matter, such as the person who was sitting across from me, not Bonnie, not Stacie, I mean what-was-her-name. Perhaps What's-her-name would remember more about that than I would, because they were standing closer to her than to me.

Also online there were some musings about how can they sue and take any type of action against the very President of the United States himself based on their own personal affront or insulting molestation of their daughter. Yes, wouldn't that be a problematical dilemma.