Saturday, May 30, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was interesting to note the overabundance of gas and oil people in my high school always churning the waters, hovering about, as for example Joan, who mentioned that was her family's business. Strange that there should be this useless surplus of gas and oil people sitting around here in high school, I will not need them for anything, because actually there is not that much to boast of in that regards, what with U.S. oil reserves being strictly controlled elsewhere, never mind about some crazy thing that my grandmother might have said in times past to some Italian person, which I never hear the end of, always that same thing about something that my grandmother said: blah blah blah blah blah. What was she thinking, accepting money from those horrid Spanish people, whoever they were. I cannot quite see what that was all about from here. What are you waiting for? I am in no hurry for my parents to die soon and turn over the paperwork right away, although nobody lives forever on this planet, life continues in eternity, but as for the things of earth, you can't take it with you, as they say.