Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think we have all heard the story about how my great-grandfather was a butcher by trade. 

Coincidentally, I remember during high school, during a class report given by a Jewish student, he was saying some interesting things about Jewish matters, but I don't remember. Who was it that was talking about how in Israel they are talking about the possibility of reestablishing animal sacrifices, and that would involve identifying the priestly class and the high priest, and those who would do the actual slaughtering of the animals, which would apparently signify mainly the Cohen family who are said to be the descendants of Aaron himself, although the Psalm referring to the anointing oil on the beard of Aaron, which also might suggest some other surnames also included in that, although I don't really understand what you were saying, Blackbeard?

But you were attempting to label us as Amalekites so I really don't see how that applies to us. We are not them. 

And anyway, who knows when that would ever happen. It might be much too late for the present generation to worry about such an eventuality.