Thursday, November 18, 2021

Which Reminds Me

Yes, there was another point about Spain being a monarchy, as is also England, which can be a tricky thing in America, because to us all of these Spanish people look the same, Cuban or Puerto Rican, Colombian or Venezuelan, Honduran or Salvadoran, whatever, but some of them might actually be more Spaniard than American, and they might have some royalist signals that we might not be aware of. So you might accidentally find yourself pledging loyalty to the King of Spain even when you are actually a Canadian who would rather be singing "God Save the Queen!" That was one of those points that I forget how that fits into this narrative except that my ancestors were mostly English so although I do not have much thought of the royal titulages and nobilities, given my abysmal lack of suitability for any such position, there are people who are really into that type of thing and who buy up all of those glossy magazines at the supermarket full of pictures of such people, royals and celebrities.