Sunday, August 7, 2022

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during the short time that we were attending a church in Hialeah, there was a Cuban guy there named Mark, I do not remember if I ever knew what his last name was, but he did once sing a trio in church with my sister and myself. He wasn't very friendly. Angry and surly, maybe. So that is pretty much the sum total of everything that I can remember about Mar,k. He was my sister's friend, not mine. And then there was Mark Rentals, who married some rude Cuban person, I forget who she was. I don't remember those people very well, they were my sister's friends mostly. I did not spend very much time there and I don't remember names, so it is a bit annoying to hear all this online yammering from them. Why should they bother to say hello in person when they can just knock things out online? Why should I care about that? I could live the rest of my life without caring if I ever hear from those nasty people ever again.