Saturday, June 10, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was a "Gwen" in my high school class, her senior picture appears in my yearbook, so obviously she was there, even though we never talked, I forget why not. I really do not remember anything about her, but she is not unique in that regard. I never was the busybody type who concerns themselves with knowing everybody's business. 

So that was weird that I would be hearing online messages from "Gwen," who thinks that I should take upon my self the job of tutoring her husband Ted in matters useful for runnng for president. Only from Wikipedia do I learn of the existence of this Ted and that his wife is indeed named "Gwen," but Gwen Nelson, not the Gwen Juneau of high school. 

OK, fine. I am not a person who would want to do anything to run afoul of such powerful politicos. But even so, I am really not so easily available to the whims of "Gwen" or "Ted" or whoever that is. And whatever became of Juneau? I really have no idea. Why would I be hearing all of this crazy stuff? And I do not even care about politics that much. If you wanted to pay my professional salary that would be one thing, but otherwise there is no reason for us to talk.