Monday, July 3, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, at MK school we were often told the story of the guy who was chosen by the artist to serve as a model for the portrait painted of Jesus, the Savior. Twenty years old, the artist was finally finishing the pictures of the apostles and was now searching for some guy to use as a model for the portrait of Judas Iscariot, the betrayer. The artist found a wretched-looking man who looked the very picture of decadence and of a wasted and dissipated life, and asked him to please serve as his model for the picture of Judas Iscariot. The man was surprised at this request. He asked the artist if he did not recognize him, had he not served as the model for a portrait of Jesus twenty years earlier? So the artist was in his turn surprised to learn of the fate of the man that had earlier impressed with his good looks, how he had become degraded by lifestyle choices, and had now become the very picture of worthless dissipation. So, yes, just because I might have thought some guy was cute 40 years ago, that does not mean very much.