Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Chris was boasting that he never attended college and thinks he knows more than any college graduate, because he is self-learned, and also he is some sort of big shot in the film industry, where he makes a fortune continuously somehow, so some people are certainly more lucky than others in terms of success financially and otherwise. Of course, he probably also started with some amazing connections to the soap opera productions of Venezuela, that I cannot even begin to imagine. Besides which, what a girl would have to do to succeed in the film industry might not be worthwhile in the long run, so I never got very far past running the teleprompter and also seeing how sort of boring it is to sit around waiting for the next take. Sometimes the money just really would not be enough reason to do that to myself. It is enough to see that on TV to be happy not to have to go there.