Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember years ago in El Salvador, my Dad, an AG missionary, was a speaker at a youth camp, although not the year that I went, and when my Dad returned from the camp, he was talking about this guy that he had befriended there, who was apparently from a somewhat wealthy family, more wealthy than the average, and this guy had gotten saved at the camp meeting, and later he married some girl he had met there. And when my Dad mentioned this guy's name, I recognized that he was probably an older brother of my high school classmate, Martha, whose locker was next to me due to the alphabetical order of things, so that was interesting, although it would be sort of awkward to try to discuss this topic with Martha because they are a very proud family. I would prefer to live my own life and not be bothered by their mercurial tempers, because anyway I do not know very much about that.