Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was weird, way back when, online, the message was going around, possibly from the Hills brothers, that they were the only official Christians and U.S. citizens during high school, because they had attended the Union Church, which is a church for English-speaking people who are living temporarily in the country. So if I never attended the Union Church (only once with a friend in maybe 5th grade, sort of Episcopalian maybe), I cannot qualify as either a Christian or a U.S. citizen, according to the calculations of the Hills brothers, who have set themselves up as the presidential representatives of the Union Church people. Which does not matter much to me whatever they say over there in their private Union Church Club, I really have no desire to comment on the Union Church and their internal politics. It is just that when they are unsolicitedly trying to intercept my personal arrangements is when they run afoul of what matters to me, because our entire purpose for being there did not involve the Union Church. So if I were to write a book, it would not be about them.