Sunday, July 13, 2014

Which Reminds Me

It is true that my mother had explained to me about the birds and the bees. And I imagine that she would have explained something similar to my little sister. However, there is no telling what my little sister might have gotten out of that. My little sister is one of the stupidest, most utterly selfish  and greedy people I know so it would hard to imagine how she might have processed that. It is sad to think that my nephews may be partially handicapped for life with such pathetically horrible homeschooling by her but at least there is college for them to hopefully get some confidence later. We sold her to some foul-smelling Bahamian skunks so at least we don't have to listen to her yammering at our house all of the time, always drip drip drip of a leaky faucet. Anyway, needless to say there will be no off-the-record deals or agreements of any kind with anyone at all of whatever name or title or position, even less so with her skunky greedy in-laws. If you cannot sign your own full name in ink to a written contract of deeds then certainly you are not going to get anything from me in the way of concessions of any kind, and even then only the oil drilling business counts in the world of royalties. Nothing else should be ever attached to that. This is a free country, after all.

And I wonder what makes David and Bobby think that I would ever apologize for their bad behavior? Kissing drearily stupid Canadian Dawn? Are you out of your sick minds? That's sort of like romantically kissing your own sister. Barf-a-mundo. No, there is no deal to be made there. I do not and never will owe one penny to those obnoxious brats Bobby and David. That will never happen. David and Bobby are just out of luck. They are in no way entitled to considerations of royalty. No, it would be so illegal for you to try to attach me in some rainbow trash way to my Doggie-Dyke sister in order to absorb my future royalties into hers and thus wipe out my memory from off the earth. How utterly rude and mean-go of you.

No, your only possible solution is to persuade my mother to disinherit me. Now there you might have a chance. I certainly don't deserve anything after all of the things that I have done wrong and all of the mistakes that I have made in my dreary lifetime. So perhaps you could talk my mother into dumping me at some loocal mental institution and signing everything over to her. That would probably be your best method for stealing me blind.