Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it makes it rather awkward for us to have to admit that we are related to the Butterfields. They are, in fact, our cousins, although rarely heard from. The way Vanessa chatters so loudly in Texas you would never guess that she and the Warren family are actually illegals. Just having eight children will not give the Warrens any legitimate claim to what is our inheritance when actually they have no paperwork proving that they have anything intelligent to say about property rights. Vanessa's husband apparently has some type of distant cousin who is connected to the other side of the conflict but it is not clear to us who that cousin might be or why anyone would give such credibility to those illegal whiners who have much overflowed their appropriate channels and are poking around into things that are none of their business. For me to say more I would need a more abundant supply of cold hard cash to finance myself traveling there to look at the actual paperwork and hiring a lawyer to explain it to me and so forth. Until then there is really nothing for me to say about it.