Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Which Reminds Me

It seems to me that the busybody Kleins are much too concerned about other people's property, property to which they hold no rights and no legitimate title. You do not have the luxury of being the crop picker when you are not the tiller of the soil, obviously. Needless to say, I would prefer to reserve my judgment and control on such matters of land until such future time as I may have a clear picture of what is mine and what is actually not mine. Currently none of that is mine so there is nothing for me to say about that. Unlike some other obnoxious busybodies who live around here, I am not interested in engaging in bizarre speculations regarding lands that are actually no concern of mine. For me to take possession of my possible half would require my parents' death, which hopefully will not happen any time soon. So there is just nothing to say about that.