Monday, May 13, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that you were telling me something about the illustrious Queen Bessie, Elizabeth I, who rallied the troops to fight against and defeat the Spanish Armada, in contrast to that other not-so-illustrious nor so queenly Bessie. You were going to throw me to Queen Bess and see how it feels to scream and rail against the Spanish from such a weak position of not having the power of a queen or troops to fight against the Spanish invasion, as if that is the only thing that I would have to think about, only to scream and play the role of bad redheaded queen in your twisted Spanish psycho-drama. Ummm, no. I will not be available for any such role that you may dictate for me.

Of course, no one imagines such a high level of leadership emanating from Blondie, who is concerned only about her own selfish ambitions.