Monday, May 27, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that John was our only source of information on that particular topic. There is only that one thing that he said to my mother, by telephone I thought, and which was relayed to me by mother, which was shocking because I had not been aware of this thing that John was saying, and we always had thought that John was such an expert especially in matters of Spanish language and everybody would think that of all people John would know what he was talking about, and now that I do my research I am not so sure that I have such a high opinion. What makes you and John so certain that I would want be so interested and rush to clutter my brain with whatever that meant? Now that I can see that it is merely a matter of South American politics, of which I am sure there are those who know more about that, I am not sure that I care to be one of them. So many books, so little time.