Thursday, May 30, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember during high school, some people at church invited us to a party, I thought it was a Christmas party, at their house, and then there was a group of people there whose names I do not recall now, who were telling us about some political events that seemed quite dangerous to me, something about a demonstration or protest held at the university, which was responded to by police or the army, which was told in a way as if to sympathize with the demonstrators, which seemed scary to me to even know anything about that, as it was presented as if secret information. It is a matter of principle for me as a missionary kid to NOT get involved in the local politics. Also, they were talking about their slang which is somehow inspired by the French, and in which, never mind about the rules of grammar, everybody is "voz," neither usted nor tu, and not to be confused with the word for voic . Which is a slang usage, grammatically incorrect perhaps but commonly heard there at the time although I have not heard it recently nor in Florida. I cannot say whether that usage is still the fad of the time there either. Slang changes over time, you know.