Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Which Reminds Me
Yes, someone really ought to do something about these mentally retarded trashy hoes, the in-laws of Beverly, who are always hovering about pretending to be related to us. It is not so. We are not related to them at all and also perhaps you might even say that we are severely divorced from those horrid people, although we have no idea of what happened. We only that that they are divorced now for whatever reason. We had assumed that it was a no-fault divorce and that there was nothing that we would need to say about that to anyone, given that we only saw them once in a lifetime, and don't really care that much about ying-yanging it to Dallas, that would be way out of our element, but all their much screeching does make us wonder whether there was something else happening there? All of their screeching really grates on the nerves. Even so, I have no idea what happened. I never go there. I never talk to those people. The administrators know where to send our royalty check without needing to consult Beverly's in-laws. Needless to say. Somebody really ought to do something to rid the earth of these overly horribly belligerent and bellicose in-laws of Beverly, needless to say.