Sunday, May 5, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that you are overly obsessed with the point of the medical table. We are getting so bored of your distracting medical tactics. We are not experiencing any serious symptoms at present that would require of such an extreme diagnostic tool. The Mucinex or Sudafed will be sufficient for the common cold. Why can't you just post a warning sign so that persons do not inadvertently touch that without an authorized medical prescription and medical research project or something of that nature?

And what about the other 10 or so tables? What else is there that nobody is talking about? I cannot say that it would not be interesting to learn more about what else there is to learn about that, even if that means skipping the medical part. Medical school was never one of my personal life and career goals, so I am not particularly averse to the notion of not doing the medical table.