Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I learned the hard way to never discuss politics with Dauna. What happens is that she will ask you something about the Kennedys and President Kennedy and all of that, and if she does not like or rather they do not like your answer, then suddenly it comes back around as if there were some law requiring me to vote for Kennedy, and what does my opinion matter when the people voted for Kennedy, obviously, and so forth. So to each his own vote on election day and that is all you get.

Anyway, Kennedy might be a nice lady but I do not have time for all of these political matters. On one level politics might seem like a way to overcome all of these religious differences. But then again there is the problem of whose politics should govern and why should we care about that. Without facts there is nothing to say. Until we have some facts can be presented, there is nothing to discuss.