Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember during college that there was some guy in our college whom most people probably avoided for being suspected an extremist Mexican Chicano, due to some weird mutterings that were heard emanating from there, whose name was Ronald, and he married Sharon, who I do not remember ever being in any class of mine, or ever saying hello to me, that I should care to be reminded of those irrelevant persons of no interest to me.

How weird that later the horrible peasant trash cousins of Ronald should be latching onto me and sending out messages about whatever. Where did they get my name? I never talked to them. I don't even know who those people are. I barely remember seeing Ronald's face in college but there was no personal connection there. I have no need of stupid Honduran peasants to lecture me on the birds and the bees.