Friday, May 10, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is very awkward that all of my sister's in-law relatives are the most evil filthy rich Bahamian pirate scum who are always lurking around behind my back throwing monkey wrenches at whatever I might do. They are printers, but they only work for themselves and they only have one client, who is not us, a tech company. That does nothing to pay my rent. They are horrid nasty stupid Bahamian rich people who never do anything helpful. When they lived in Florida, they owned two houses in the wealthy enclave of Parkland, one to live in and one for parties. Such a frivolous waste of money, and do they presume to lecture me on spending? But now they live in Dallas waiting for nothing to happen. Funny how all of those stupid people were expecting us to go to Dallas to play games with them. Sorry, but that is never going to happen. We reserve the right to have them all charged. Not that we would charge anyone, but we reserve the right to have our own opinions separately from the Bahamian pirate scum.