Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that I remember in high school that one of the few movies that were shown to us during school was the original "Chariots of the Gods," which I also remembered that my cousin David had read the book and had talked about that as the basis for his ideas of religion, which in David's case meant that he was favoring the agnostic or atheistic view of things. Although I never did read that book, my ideas of the movie and more recently TV shows and videos are somewhat different than my first impressions, although I mostly would prefer to not talk about that because basically there are many things that I cannot understand about that. I tend to think that someday maybe God will explain everything more fully when we get there eventually, but in the meantime there is only so much of that stuff that I can sort of absorb before it all becomes just too much noise without a context.