Sunday, December 22, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can imagine that some people in our high school probably think that all roads lead to Atlanta, because the Baptist missionary from Georgia seems to have been very busy behind the scenes making all sorts of interesting and mysterious deals and arrangements of which we were never informed because we were, in a sense, friendly competitors, even though attending the same schools. I personally do not feel any great need or desire to check in with Atlanta on every little point, they have their places, but there are some unhinged people who are seemingly addicted to that form of communication and seem to be stuck on some points of a trivial pursuit nature, so that perhaps only to clarify a couple of things we have necessarily condescended to use that format for a short time, even though I don't really feel any great need to continue communicating with those irrelevant people forever. There comes a time when we must set aside these trivial, insignificant and irrelevant hobbies and go out and get a real job that pays the rent. I am just saying.