Monday, December 9, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, well, perhaps the term "fight" would be too strong, perhaps the term minor "altercation" would be more appropriate to described some type of conflict that I did not actually see, only heard about because in a classroom Margot was chattering loudly about that to everyone within earshot, so I cannot really say more than what I heard, because, I don't why, there seemed to be more antipathy there expressed by Margot at the time than merely an inadvertent classroom mishap, but anyway I really do not know anything about that. I was not aware of any rule requiring me to take sides in the matter of Cruz vs. De La Guardia, no one ever said anything about that until now, suddenly someone is trying to make that into something more of an issue, perhaps because the best friend and pal/companion of Cruz was Kathy from the CIA, so obviously, having monopolized the ear of the CIA, some arrangements would probably have been made by them on their behalf, although I do not see how that has anything to do with me. That is their private personal conflict and it would much too presumptuous of me to involve myself in such a personal matter of no concern to me.