Friday, August 30, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember, way back in the beginning of this, someone saying that I would be like Joan of Arc, burnt at the stake and unable to defend herself from her accusers. So, Ok, fine. Whatever. Martyrdom is not fun, but it may have its rewards later, hopefully. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Which Reinds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that for a few years in Fort Lauderdale, Pastor Cook was an assistant at a church we were attending there, and then he moved away. We heard that he later blew himself up. Yet another sad story that I do not want to hear more about. The only thing that I can remember about him is that he was from Illinois, a state of no interest to me. I never had much if any connection to Chicago.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I think that the verse is, in the NASB; " I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Although other translations may use the owrd "mark" instead of "prize," still there is no idiot named Mark in this picture. Needless to say. Obviously.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school I would occasionally write in my journal about various topics. However, the journal got lost somewhere in moving, and I cannot share that with you now. All I can remember is that sometimes I would journal about spiritual matters, and other times I would journal about how I am so lonely and I don't have any friends. So those were probably the main topics of my journal which seems to no longer exist anyway so why should you care now. It was just personal stuff.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that many years ago, while we were attending a church in Hialeah, my sister and I sang a trio in church with a certain Cuban guy named Mark, who also came to our house for the rehearsal, and that was the only time that I ever saw him. I have no other memory of Mark. I really do not understand why I would be getting emails about him, given that I really could not care less if I do not see him again during this lifetime. He just was not that important to me. I do not have so much time to worry about the idiotic rantings of irrelevant persons named Mark.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember being aware of the existence of North Central, which might be located somewhere in the state of Minneapolis, although you would not be able to prove that by me. The only thing that I can remember about North Central, is that I heard that Sherri Turnbull went there after she SCC. What she did there I have no idea, she does not want to talk to me, so, OK, fine, I do not need her problems anyway. I have enough problems already without her Panama-Uruguay-Minneapolis-Jim Bakker stuff.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading in the diaries of great-grandmother about the existence of her dear friend Anna Bealls, who apparently was her lifelong friend since her early days in Ohio. 

That said, I do not quite see how this Mr. Beals fits into the picture, the spelling does not quite seem to fit, unless maybe he was somehow related to that lunatic who fought in the Spanish-American War and whose memory I heard being maligned and cursed by some wicked Cuban witch, along with that of Lucille Ball. As if some hateful Cuban witch would have anything worth listening to, having been so late to flee the decadence of low-life Cuban bandleaders. I was not quite sure what I was hearing in regards to that, so I would only be stabbing in the dark if I were to say something about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during college Mr. Beals was dating Teresa Glowacz, who lived down the hall from me on the 7th floor. I was only aware of them during my first year of college there, and then the next year Theresa was gone. Maybe she went off-campus or whatever. I never did keep track of whatever happened to her, but later I did hear online that she was coming back to do whatever, for whatever reason. I am not remembering her as a person with any brain cells in her empty head, so I really have no comment. Should I be worried?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have heard that there are some people who educated their sons to always think in terms of running of president theoretically and how that would affect their prospects in future. So maybe that approach worked for George, but then again many people do not necessarily want their children to be overwhelmed by such high pressure tactics. So that is a choice for parents to make, about how they want to raise their children.

Besides which, I am not willing to waste another breath on the idiotic rantings of Turner. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I continually find it difficult to understand why this fiction persists of me running for president. I never cared about running for presidential office. Who knows what cog in the wheel would finally fix or explode that mythology?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember in 10th grade, in Miss Marken's English class, doing my oral book report on Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," although I probably did not get into the theories about Lilliput possibly being sort of based on the Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua, I did not learn about that until later, but anyway that was a starting point for learning more about that. What was interesting to me was that there were several other lands parodied in Swift's book, it was not only about Lilliput. There was another land with a "put" in it, and where would that place be? Actually, recent research shows that he might have been parodying the Fon people of West Africa, a polygamous society. I do not need to point out that the Fon people would be no relation to the LaFons who were missionaries in Honduras. 

But I seriously doubt that clueless Gwen Junebug would have been present in our honors English class, because she was probably not there. And should I also include clueless Rhonda Hitjob in that dummies group? 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have noticed that when she and others are filling out their applications for admission to the aristocracy, they seem to be looking around for low-level serf persons to fill the jobs in their retinue of lackeys who do all of the menial tasks so they can just focus on being glamorous aristocrats. I might want to be left alone, but anyway if I have to do a job, fine, you could at least tell me what do you want me to do before I say yes or no. At least I know that I can only live for another 20-30 years at most and then after that all bets are off. I will just be dead and after that you might need to find some other serf to do whatever they want.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now I see all you people out there in the Boonie-Clooney-Gooneies, a colony of Trassylvanian blood-sucking vampires of whom there is nothing worth mentioning when bored stiff. As if I should care about that.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I went to the offices of Maximized Manhood ministries, to interview for the job there, that I ran into Nancy Nelson there, who does work for them, and wasn't she Lori Way's roommate during college, and we talked a few minutes, and she mentioned that the daughter of Pat Boone works in an office adjacent to them. So that was interesting. Later I received a phone call offering me the job, which I did not accept, so I never did have occasion to return to the offices to explain this point to Nancy Nelson, so I am not quite sure how she heard that I was not coming, or what she might have said to Lori Way or whoever about that. That would not seem proper for me to go back there after not accepting the job offer, just to hang our in the lunch room. That would seem weird.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I was living in California, I applied for a job at a ministry organization named Maximized Manhood, that was run by Ed Cole, who was a friend of our family, and I was offered a job there, which offer I did not accept, probably because I somehow felt that I would not feel comfortable working there, and my boss would have been that neurotic lawyer, Ed's son-in-law, who wanted to sue everyone for copyright infringement, unless the college would agree to pay ASCAP fees to cover that, whatever that meant, I don't know very much about. I did not think that I should be operating on people blind as a bat. I do not think that I know enough in-depth about that to have an informed opinion.   

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I was a little bit annoyed with our friends who too us on a scenic drive, stopping at some Catholic shrines to show us how there are many testimonials written there of people being healed of diseases. Yes, how nice, but anyway we are not Catholics. Why would we need to go astray to this mountain top. We had already seen on TV the story of a witch doctor who can perform such miracles, so we really do not need this extracurricular exercise in possible counterfeits. The real miracle has a purpose other than just the miracle itself, to draw us toward God Himself. We had thought that our friends were loyal to our church, but now we see maybe not so much, and then later they turned Jehovah's Witness, so apparently they had other things going on of which we were not aware.      


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that he said something about the maid, but there was no name given to the maid, just that she was their housemaid, whoever she was. Anyway, I myself am not worried about myself being mistaken for the unknown maid, needless to say. I doubt that I would resemble her in any way. No one with even half a brain would make that mistake. Wouldn't that just be the most ridiculous point to even think of. But then again we remember that his girlfriend Stephanie was also at his house for a party, but I somehow doubt that anyone would think that Stephanie was their housemaid either. Needless to say. 

Let Stephanie explain herself if she can. I am not taking the fall for them.

Whether that guy ought to be in jail already, that is not for me to say. The justice system has its own procedures to go by in this regard, but I am not the lawyer that would be prosecuting or a witness in the case. I doubt that I would have anything unique to say about that, beyond what he already said in public testimony in front of the entire world, given that I have no idea who this guy is. 

So I can just be sitting there in a chair and there predators can be writing all sorts of fictional schemes over my head and there is nothing that I can say about that. Is that what they call justice? 

Which reminds me that once during school we were on a field trip with our teacher who was explaining some things about geological strata while walking around the neighborhood of the school and pointing out some strata nearby and then we stopped at the house of a classmate who lived near the school, but I forget who that was. We stopped in to say hello for a minute and then we all had to go back to class.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that it might helpful to really hear Kathy and Patricia explaining what their problem was, because anyway, those guys were NOT my problem.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, personally I never liked those guys, they were nothing to me, but I am not going to exercise the option of writing any novel about them or incorporating them as characters in some shabby fiction. They just were not that important in the whole scheme of things.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we are not unaware of the dangers of giving these political animals too much to say about our personal spending habits. They would want to siphon all funding away for their own political projects and electoral campaigns for candidates of their choice, even though thus far politicians have done nothing for us but to make a huge noise and hubbub drawing attention to themselves. There are plenty of billionaires already to fund their political things wihout bleeding dry the poor people such as myself.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it always is a bit annoying to hear these smart alecky people inventing things for me to say, things for me to think, things that I never actually said and was not even thinking about in that way at the time or maybe not ever, but the the power of fiction is always there somewhere.

Which Reminds Me

 Yes, I am aware that some persons absolutely hate my wonderfully comfortable Birkenstock shoes, but anyway, they are useless whiners whose heads are filled with pharisaical regulations that do nothing to help anyway in the long run. They like to hear themselves talk and that is about as far as that goes. Besides which, Burke makes some useful points sometimes. Maybe not always, but we cannot just erase Burke entirely. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school I would spend some of my spare time reading from the World Book encyclopedia that we had at our house. Sometimes I would read about various islands in the Pacific, and at the bottom of each article it would suggest some other islands to read about, and so on and so forth, so I probably read most of what there was to say about the islands of the Pacific. Even so, I never quite found the perfect island for my planned escape route. There would need to be a library, a grocery store, and other amenities. I would need more than just a pile of rocks and a tree in the middle of nowhere. And besides, some of those islands are populated by cannibals and other dangerous characters, not really an ideal way to chill. There would be security concerns. Not to mention the difficulty of getting there at all.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that during high school Kathy did her class report on labor unions and various issues having to do with labor unions. Another factor that tends to reinforce the general perception that they might be connected to the mafia, although I really do not know anything. So that is sort of weird for them to be promoting the causes of the Union Maid by Woody Guthrie, who also famously sang "All You Fascists Bound To Lose," but whatever. I do not want to sound too hypocritical in congratulating myself on having no connection whatsoever to or need for labor unions. 

There was a time at work when some of us were invited to a meeting outside of the building, at a local restaurant, and we were asked to consider having a labor union, but we voted against that. The job is already not paying that much, the company already facing stiff competition and adding another layer to that would not be helpful so, anyway, no thanks.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, my mother is a faithful and conscientious taxpayer of longstanding. How dare you suggest that my mother's interests would be somehow of less value than those of your five-member board of idiots. How dare you attach such obnoxious conditions to my ability to enjoy my life, or what little may be left of my life after you bombed me almost 50 years ago with your Chilean garbage dumpster.    

Monday, August 19, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I have grown accustomed to listening to the various anglings and mutterings of the haughty arrogant Five clique, populated as it always was by those garrulous snobs who are mostly from Michigan or Indiana, and who so like to listen to the sound of their own voices yapping and blithering, certainly everyone is entitled to their opinion by constitutional right, so whatever, even if that does nothing to help me. I seem to have no choice whatever in these matters. I might as well evacuate the planet ASAP, for all that means to me.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wouldn't that be convenient, to just translate all of that stuff into Portuguese, and thus bypass certain icky Spanish points to which we would rather not draw notice. However, on the other hand, that resort would render us all brain dead and unable to mount a defense against that, because sometimes Portuguese just doesn't work.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if you were expecting us to hang out with Beverly's in-laws, you will only be disappointed, because anyway I will be evacuating the planet before that would ever happen. I am not thrilled about myself being thrown as bait to be eaten by those demon dogs.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I see that someone is wishing that I were socializing with those guys who were sitting at the other table in economics class, even though I cannot remember who they were, so whether demons or humans I cannot pretend to say. I cannot even say how this evil demonic Stephanie came to be sitting there at my table. But it would sound so hypocritical if I were to expand on this point, given that I know absolutely nothing about these people. Probably you should have put Stephanie and their table. That would make sense. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was his own sister's idea, to assign him the role of drunken bum, who disrupts the services. But she died not long later at age 12 so probably I am one of the few persons living who can remember a little bit about Cheryl's lively imagination. At age 9 we would just play pretend with whatever crazy stuff she said. But that probably grates on his nerves to be reminded of that so many years later, so I am not going talk about that, not unless you ask.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing, and I sort of sympathize, with the way that Di was talking about how she used to go forward every week at the altar call, until she got tired of always living in that fear, on that treadmill of never being good enough, never sure if you are really saved. So if that is what our church leaders are saying, why is that some pastors are not getting the message that, anyway, how many times does one have to recite the sinner's prayer out loud in a church before the words mean something, before the words really sink in to the heart? But it is always good to have the sinner's prayer for those who need that.

When I was maybe nine years old we were playing church service, and one person was assigned to be the drunk  who stumbles in from the back and gets saved. So that's nice that he eventually got saved. So that was quite a dramatic moment, but anyway, not every moment of Christian life lends itself to such dramatic moments worthy of a movie screen. Sometimes it is merely a matter of living from day to day in a state of praying without ceasing on the inside, that does not require an external show or display.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is always shocking to hear the idiotic rantings of Greg, which leads us to surmise that he must have died and his role is now being performed by some unknown clown.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that inside the books in the closet, there was written the name o a city in Brazil, Campo something, but I do not have the books available to go back and remind myself where that was. I only remember something about Campo —, maybe. That is not to say that I remember much of anything about those books.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that I thought I heard online, although I could be wrong, Charlene claiming to be related to the famous songstress of "Dolly" fame. But I might have heard that wrong. She never told us that personally that I can recall. And even if that is so, it does not make that much difference to my life. I only hear that by osmosis. Besides which, I was not the person who collected famous autographs. That was Carol. 

But of course Charlene has a special deal because she is Foursquare, whereas we are only AG. The "IT" people only care about the Foursquares.They don't care about us, but we already knew that anyway. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem somewhat ludicrous that anyone would accuse me of doing drugs. As I have often said, I rarely even take an aspirin, so for what do these people need to angle about drugs? If I wrongly accused someone of doing drugs, fine, sorry about that, I would be fine with admitting that I was wrong about that. But all of this finagling makes you seem even more guilty of something than I could have imagined. Ha ha ha! Are those drunken bootleggers accusing me of breaking some obscure food law? I do not even want to think about that. I do not have any proof of anything in the department of drugs. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, hopefully God will forgive my unfortunate timing even if some people just will never understand anything, nor to I care to dignify that with further comment, and being able to identify who said that pathetic thing is actually a useful thing to know, even if I do not need to explain why to you.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that "pupusas" is a word for a popular food in El Salvador, that most consider delicious, although probably not quite kosher. There are "pupuserias" all over the place where you can buy this street food freshly cooked, freshly taken from the oven, delicious, and also the special cheese-flavored cake, quesadilla, which is unique. They try to reproduce in the U.S., but the legal food laws require so many additives that it never tastes quite the same as the original when found elsewhere. 

However, there is a caveat. We are told to never use that word when visiting Guatemala. In that country the word has begin given an obscene meaning, for whatever reason I have no idea. I think that there might be stories attached to that factoid, but I do not remember if I ever heard them told. I only remember the warning not to use that word in Guatemala. And there is no reason to disdain these little rules of the road. You never know when you might be glad later that you knew that.    

Someone said that Linda Seese was from Guatemala but I really don't know if that is true or not.

Someone said that the Carol was originally from Guatemala but I have no idea about that. You would have to ask them about their position on street foods. We never discussed this point with them. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is a sort of curious thing, if I choose not to offer any comment, am I taking the fifth or am I just not thinking of anything worth saying? Or both?

Which Reminds Me

Yes, obviously, if you are not going to be paying my salary, obviously I am not going to be working for you. Needless to say. Obviously.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, they say that one should never discuss matters of politics or religion with anonymous anchorheads on television. Needless to say. Obviously.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I can understand why my personal discomforts do not matter to you. And where is the military when I need help with having these Caribbean shipped home to Blackiestan? They were not my problem.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was sort of weird when Kathy S.G. hit me on the stomach and said that she thought that I was pregnant because anyway my stomach is not perfectly flat. And at the time I just shrugged that off as one of her ridiculous things. And then later when I was retelling this story I sort of laughingly said that if I had been pregnant that would be the second time in history, but I probably should not be joking or speculating about such sacred matters. Sorry about that. I probably should just not dignity that with any further comment.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, whose bright idea was it anyway for us girls to go see the "Pink Panther" movie? And there is the part where the Chinese guy does his karate chops and utters some seemingly random syllables, but then if you repeat that later you might suddenly realize or be told that there is some other connotation to that so you should just make sure to NOT repeat that. And if I would make a scene of refusing to go to the movie I would be accused of being a legalistic fundamentalist, which is a common misconception of unchurched people. And if do not resist the movie and go with the flow, my head becomes crammed full of nonsense and useless junk that I would never have heard or thought of if I had just not gone to the movie. Oh well!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so mean and immature of me to call him Professor Moron, and I completely forget why I felt that way. So many years later, I cannot remember anything specific about that, only that he would sometimes say some exaggerated things in his blitherings, although he was fine as a P.E. teacher. I was not complaining about that. 

Maybe if Dauna works very hard on their behalf, she may qualify to represent El Salvador in the Olympics next time around. So maybe Dauna could do her baton-twirling act in the Olympic parade, marching as she would be with the Salvadoran team, which is fine for them, but was not anywhere on my radar screen in terms of ambition or even fleeting thought. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do hope that you were not expecting me to comment on those Quad guys. I would not be able to think of anything to say about them that would be diplomatically expedient, so I should probably just say nothing about that, because anyway, yes, anyway, there is really nothing to say about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do not quite see how she writes all of those romance novels. To me just reading one of those Regency era romance novels is enough mental torture already, and it is all formulaic anyway. You already know what is going to happen by page 50, 100, etc. So it has been a few years since I read a novel. I tend to prefer non-fiction.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was sort of weird, during journalism class, while working on the high school newspaper, Kathy hit me on the stomach and asked if I was pregnant because my stomach was not completely flat, I just wasn't that anorectic. And I am not sure that I even dignified that with any further comment, because that was such a ridiculous thing for her to say. And she always was sort of known or asking weird questions. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is another awkward thing, all of these people asking about my Dad's cousins who lived in Venezuela at about the same time that we were in Central America. Their mother was my Dad's aunt Mary Olive. I do not know very much about their lives there in Venezuela so I cannot say much about that. I just have no idea. I was never there.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, interesting that my sister's husband's mother was a Bahamian. They have a special recipe for conch soup, but beyond that I do not know much about the Caribbean, I tend to think of that place as an island swamp. I would rather move to the island of England then to get stuck in some Caribbean swamp, actually. But to each his own.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely that the crouching Cross people were carrying on about Lillian Thrasher, who founded an orphanage in Egypt and was known to some people as the Nile Mother. And then you get all of these messages from Egyptian Mothers, and whatever. I think that I will leave the orphanage business to Miss Murphy. She has the guts to run away with a rich man who can bankroll all of these extravagant schemes, whereas I guess I just don't need all of their problems, now that I have glimpsed the back side of what that was about. I could have just not gone there, but oh well.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember when I was 8 years old, and we were playing the board game "Sorry" with some guests, who were the Thomson girls, and I lost a game and then I threw a yellow game piece and broke it and then stormed out of the room, so forever after there was this broken yellow game piece to play with, although I always preferred the blue game piece so whatever. And forever after I never hear the end of that from whoever remembers about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, such pleasant hours of summers during high school, playing endless games of Authors with Susie when she was visiting, and others games also. So I win some and lose some, but the game is the fun part either way. I like to win whenever I can, who wouldn't, but anyway it is hard to win when someone has their thumb on the scales of justice, so whatever happens.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, why allo that to-do about the Cross family? Oh, how coincidental! There you have Ted Cruz and Nicky Cruz and Patricia Cruz and Dauna's mother's maiden name. What do all of these people have in common? I cannot quite see that from where I am sitting.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I forget why I was feeling pressured to join the military. There could be the benefit of them paying for education and everything else, all expenses included,and giving you some job, whatever job they want, but not necessarily anything that would help to prevent the accumulation of all this online stuff. Anyway, I never did sign up for that, so it seems sort of weird that I would be getting mail from the military. Someday has to do that, but I have no heart for military stuff. Perhaps they had mistaken us for our military cousins.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it was my mother's idea to pay the maid to do all of that work, so that is the way the mop flops. Just hovering about with a broom pretending to work while really spying on us and overhearing everything that we say or do, does not mean that we are fooled by your arrogance. You got your money and there is nothing more to say about that. You have your reward already. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, you were talking about the redheaded woman who won the right to manage her own financial affairs, but perhaps only because she was a mistress to the King of France, Henry II, whose wife was Catherine de Medici.. Otherwise the French are governed by Salic laws that prevent women from doing much of anything about that without a male supervisor. 

But of course, we are not French and/or Italian, so that is not our problem.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, we were talking about how our lives are to be lived mainly for the glory of God, not necessarily to please some annoying man of whatever position or opinion just because he prefers a different blood type, although we are meant to function within certain contexts of family and work and governmental powers, so there is always going to be some tension in working out the daily balance in regards to matters that are never going to change anyway. There are spheres of authority to some extent, but ultimately we are meant to do these things for the glory of God, not just to please some annoying man who doesn't care about me anyway. Even a pastor could be competing for the things that belong only to God, so I am reluctant to pledge allegiance to some man just because he happened to attend ORU, which to me is just another college, although not a bad college, but not really that essential. We can carry on just fine without ORU.

So the people of ORU might like to sing about how something good is going to happen today, but with Miss Murphy's Law ruling the day, nothing good can ever happen to us. So if that is the case, should we send Miss Murphy to ORU, so that she can wreak her havoc on them instead of us? That would not be a very nice thing to do. That would not be the golden rule in action, needless to say. 

Oh. was that supposed to be a funny Murphy's Law joke? I think that is not funny. I am not laughing.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, Miss Murphy might have been a nice enough fourth grade teacher, but nobody wants to live under Murphy's Law for the rest of their lives or forever and ever. Murphy's Law would mean that only the worst-case scenario could ever possibly happen, and that would mean complete misery for anyone venturing into Murphy's Orphanage. Needless to say I am not planning to go there. I could embellish this point even further but I probably should not say too much.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, don't I just look like a complete idiot? Every time I turn around, I find all of these problems. Oh! 

Where is my exit check? I just want to leave and get out of here ASAP.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember there was a time, when we were all taking swimming lessons at a place near Calle Roosevelt, where there was an Olympic-size swimming pool. I joined them late because my school got out later than theirs. And one day some of them were practicing their diving skills, while the others were standing to one side of the pool watching the dives, and at that moment I was there in the water, on the side of the pool, and I was using these goggles, and I thought that if I put my head into the water shortly before the dive, that I could then see from inside the water, the diver hitting the water, and so I did that, I dipped my head into the water just as Bruce Bell was preparing to dive, and what I saw was a huge cloud of bubbles and also dimly a figure who seemed to be flailing about somewhat laboriously, but it was hard to see much because of all the bubbles and also because I am nearsighted and these are not prescription goggles and the water is dim. So then when Bruce came to the side of the pool he asked if I had seen something, and I assured him that I had not seen anything. He seemed worried or embarrassed or something. And then later my sister berated me for dipping my head into the water. Did I not see that? What? Did I not see that Bruce's swimming trunks had malfunctioned in mid-air? Oh, I had not seen that part of it. So that explains why everyone was acting so weirdly frozen. Everyone was so embarrassed for him, and they are sworn to secrecy about that, so why would I ever being up the subject? Everyone was just so embarrassed all around about everything.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, wouldn't that be nice, if there were some easy way to explain how they did that behind my back, without getting myself stuck in a tar-baby swamp of nonsense. I would rather commit suicide.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that one of our teachers, maybe that was Miss Knox, our 6th grade teacher, confessed that she sometimes skips to the last chapter of the book, and then maybe goes back later and reads the beginning of the book. Sounds sort of like she cheated, but anyway, if you only read the book of Revelation, you won't get very much about the Bible and the history of mankind, because although we may read the end of the story, we still have a long way to go to get to the end of the book in real life, required as we are to live one day at a time. No man knows when the end would come.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was odd, why, during high school, did I not have no access to the private communications between Carmen and Miss Murphy, who was my fourth grade teacher? Why does Carmen know all of this stuff about Miss Murphy that I don't know. And then suddenly, near the end of my senior year, Miss Murphy appears with her new husband, so that was nice that they were given an orphanage to take care of, because she cannot really be a missionary now that she ran away with somebody else's husband. But I never really knew very much about that.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I better things to do than hang out with thet pagan witch Carmen Benner. Disgusting! 

Always so irritating to see the uppity-up antics of the nasty Alfaro-Benner gang. 

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I cannot help but wonder why I should care about the restaurant industry, as if there were some reason to let the Benners share their crazy mess with us. I really do not want to be hearing about the Benner problem. I just have no idea what their problems might be.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, nobody at our house cares that much about sports, but it is true that my aunt's husband was a competitive gymnast, but he is only an in-law to us so he doesn't really represent our interests that much. Needless to say. I would prefer to not have to talk about that, because anyway sports was never my strong point. I can slug a softball far enough, but hardball just is not my cup of tea.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, and that was another annoying thing, finding all of these Honduran idiots glued to the back side of things, and they all seem to be related to our high school P.E. instructor, who seems to have forgotten that his services are at an end as far as our class is concerned, given that we graduated in the 70s.  

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I thought that our classmate Pyle had a sort of funny way of explaining the Dartmouth pile-up. She also has a story about the real Gomer Pyle, the details of which were not shared in my presence so I really cannot say that much about that. Apparently there is quite a pile-up car wreck happening up there in New England, although I never went there, so can't say much about that. Pyle is so funny sometimes, I don't know how she does that. 

You, in contrast, are so off-target you are starting to sound like a Dartmouth drunk. So it wasn't enough to steal Ann Coulter's boyfriend, now you have to make everyone else miserable as well, even though I was not really so much within earshot of that as you seem to imagine. I can't speak for some other people on these points. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely get that you may be part of that Dartmouth Pile-up that we have heard so much about. I just don't have that type of Ivy League reach, so, well, La-di-dah, I never claimed to be a sports champion anyway. I can't quite see where all of this sports fiction comes from, but that was not me. I have enough problems already without her sports problems.

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it is completely mystifying to ponder why I would need to pay for the crimes of Stephanie. I have no thought of their money, shared or not. I never attended their wicked party so I just have no idea what their problem is. I have no idea what they are talking about.