Monday, August 5, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember there was a time, when we were all taking swimming lessons at a place near Calle Roosevelt, where there was an Olympic-size swimming pool. I joined them late because my school got out later than theirs. And one day some of them were practicing their diving skills, while the others were standing to one side of the pool watching the dives, and at that moment I was there in the water, on the side of the pool, and I was using these goggles, and I thought that if I put my head into the water shortly before the dive, that I could then see from inside the water, the diver hitting the water, and so I did that, I dipped my head into the water just as Bruce Bell was preparing to dive, and what I saw was a huge cloud of bubbles and also dimly a figure who seemed to be flailing about somewhat laboriously, but it was hard to see much because of all the bubbles and also because I am nearsighted and these are not prescription goggles and the water is dim. So then when Bruce came to the side of the pool he asked if I had seen something, and I assured him that I had not seen anything. He seemed worried or embarrassed or something. And then later my sister berated me for dipping my head into the water. Did I not see that? What? Did I not see that Bruce's swimming trunks had malfunctioned in mid-air? Oh, I had not seen that part of it. So that explains why everyone was acting so weirdly frozen. Everyone was so embarrassed for him, and they are sworn to secrecy about that, so why would I ever being up the subject? Everyone was just so embarrassed all around about everything.