Friday, August 2, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I thought that our classmate Pyle had a sort of funny way of explaining the Dartmouth pile-up. She also has a story about the real Gomer Pyle, the details of which were not shared in my presence so I really cannot say that much about that. Apparently there is quite a pile-up car wreck happening up there in New England, although I never went there, so can't say much about that. Pyle is so funny sometimes, I don't know how she does that. 

You, in contrast, are so off-target you are starting to sound like a Dartmouth drunk. So it wasn't enough to steal Ann Coulter's boyfriend, now you have to make everyone else miserable as well, even though I was not really so much within earshot of that as you seem to imagine. I can't speak for some other people on these points.