Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember in 10th grade, in Miss Marken's English class, doing my oral book report on Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," although I probably did not get into the theories about Lilliput possibly being sort of based on the Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua, I did not learn about that until later, but anyway that was a starting point for learning more about that. What was interesting to me was that there were several other lands parodied in Swift's book, it was not only about Lilliput. There was another land with a "put" in it, and where would that place be? Actually, recent research shows that he might have been parodying the Fon people of West Africa, a polygamous society. I do not need to point out that the Fon people would be no relation to the LaFons who were missionaries in Honduras. 

But I seriously doubt that clueless Gwen Junebug would have been present in our honors English class, because she was probably not there. And should I also include clueless Rhonda Hitjob in that dummies group?