Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that "pupusas" is a word for a popular food in El Salvador, that most consider delicious, although probably not quite kosher. There are "pupuserias" all over the place where you can buy this street food freshly cooked, freshly taken from the oven, delicious, and also the special cheese-flavored cake, quesadilla, which is unique. They try to reproduce in the U.S., but the legal food laws require so many additives that it never tastes quite the same as the original when found elsewhere. 

However, there is a caveat. We are told to never use that word when visiting Guatemala. In that country the word has begin given an obscene meaning, for whatever reason I have no idea. I think that there might be stories attached to that factoid, but I do not remember if I ever heard them told. I only remember the warning not to use that word in Guatemala. And there is no reason to disdain these little rules of the road. You never know when you might be glad later that you knew that.    

Someone said that Linda Seese was from Guatemala but I really don't know if that is true or not.

Someone said that the Carol was originally from Guatemala but I have no idea about that. You would have to ask them about their position on street foods. We never discussed this point with them.