Sunday, August 18, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember hearing, and I sort of sympathize, with the way that Di was talking about how she used to go forward every week at the altar call, until she got tired of always living in that fear, on that treadmill of never being good enough, never sure if you are really saved. So if that is what our church leaders are saying, why is that some pastors are not getting the message that, anyway, how many times does one have to recite the sinner's prayer out loud in a church before the words mean something, before the words really sink in to the heart? But it is always good to have the sinner's prayer for those who need that.

When I was maybe nine years old we were playing church service, and one person was assigned to be the drunk  who stumbles in from the back and gets saved. So that's nice that he eventually got saved. So that was quite a dramatic moment, but anyway, not every moment of Christian life lends itself to such dramatic moments worthy of a movie screen. Sometimes it is merely a matter of living from day to day in a state of praying without ceasing on the inside, that does not require an external show or display.