Thursday, August 22, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that he said something about the maid, but there was no name given to the maid, just that she was their housemaid, whoever she was. Anyway, I myself am not worried about myself being mistaken for the unknown maid, needless to say. I doubt that I would resemble her in any way. No one with even half a brain would make that mistake. Wouldn't that just be the most ridiculous point to even think of. But then again we remember that his girlfriend Stephanie was also at his house for a party, but I somehow doubt that anyone would think that Stephanie was their housemaid either. Needless to say. 

Let Stephanie explain herself if she can. I am not taking the fall for them.

Whether that guy ought to be in jail already, that is not for me to say. The justice system has its own procedures to go by in this regard, but I am not the lawyer that would be prosecuting or a witness in the case. I doubt that I would have anything unique to say about that, beyond what he already said in public testimony in front of the entire world, given that I have no idea who this guy is. 

So I can just be sitting there in a chair and there predators can be writing all sorts of fictional schemes over my head and there is nothing that I can say about that. Is that what they call justice? 

Which reminds me that once during school we were on a field trip with our teacher who was explaining some things about geological strata while walking around the neighborhood of the school and pointing out some strata nearby and then we stopped at the house of a classmate who lived near the school, but I forget who that was. We stopped in to say hello for a minute and then we all had to go back to class.