Saturday, August 24, 2024

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that when I went to the offices of Maximized Manhood ministries, to interview for the job there, that I ran into Nancy Nelson there, who does work for them, and wasn't she Lori Way's roommate during college, and we talked a few minutes, and she mentioned that the daughter of Pat Boone works in an office adjacent to them. So that was interesting. Later I received a phone call offering me the job, which I did not accept, so I never did have occasion to return to the offices to explain this point to Nancy Nelson, so I am not quite sure how she heard that I was not coming, or what she might have said to Lori Way or whoever about that. That would not seem proper for me to go back there after not accepting the job offer, just to hang our in the lunch room. That would seem weird.