Monday, July 22, 2013

Which Reminds Me

During the year that I was at Evangel College I remember taking the New Testament Survey class, the professor being Gary Kellner. He was a fairly good teacher as I recall. One day he used the word "asinine" in forcefully making a certain point. A certain girl in the classroom spoke up and sharply rebuked the professor for using such a bad word. She was highly insulted by his use of such terminology. Flipping through the old '76-77 yearbook, the face of Jennifer Franklin leaps to mind although I am not sure. I do not remember discussing this with her but I do remember being asked about this later. It was shocking at the time to watch her create such a scene and disrupt the lecture flow in that way. She seemed to be misunderstanding the meaning of the word or the context of its use or something and taking it to be personal in a way that everyone else in the classroom was not getting. I mean, if the professor had been spewing D and F words probably the whole class would have been rioting but it was only an "A" word and spelled with only one "s." Whatever the point was I cannot quite recall but the "A" word seemed to fit the context of the moment. The "A" words does seem a bit too strong for casual conversation given the potential for misunderstanding and abuse by ignorant and vulgar persons but, anyway, I was more interested in completing my requisite college credits than in getting involved in Jennifer's obscure mental issues.